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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-378

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380 DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP "Ος tSwKev ίαντον νπίρ ημων "να λντρωσηται ημάς απο πάσης ανομίας και καθαρίστ 6αντω λαον 7re- ριονσιον ζη ωτην καλών ίργων Give the meaning and derivation of the following words καταστολή-ί8ραίωμα-στταταλώσα-τίτνφαπαι-σκατάσ- ματα- κνηθόμ νοι-αυθάδης -Slunt'S Itetorg of tyt 3&fformatt'on In the transition from Pagan to Papal Rome much of the Id material was worked up By what instances is this as- sertion illustrated Compare the influence of the Regular and the Secular Clergy the Universities and the Friars in the 14th and 15th centuries Wyklyffe and the Lollards what do you know as to their history and opinions State briefly the chief stages In the progress of Papal encroachments Of the resistance of the English State In what respects did the dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry VIII affect for good or evil the moral and social life of England To what principal sources may the Prayer-Book and the Articles of the Church of England be severally traced Give short account of the lives and characters of Bishops Ridley and Latimer The causes and progress of Puritanism during the reign of Elizabeth VI -Salep's btteiuMt State the nature of Hume's argument against miracles and give the substance of Paley's answer to it What evidence external to the Church is cited by Paley as
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