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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-377

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DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP 379 IV -C pastoral CpistliS State briefly the principal hypotheses as to the dates of the Epistles to Timothy and the arguments by which each of them is supported What are the chief characteristics of these Epistles- As to their language As to the aspect of St Paul's character presented by them What do you gather from these Epistles- As to the organization As to the social life As to the prevailing errors of the Apostolic Church What do you understand by the phrase πιστοί ό λόγ05 Give if you can in Greek tne λόγοι thus cited by St Paul The life and character of Timothy as gathered from the Acts and the Epistles What do we learn from these Epistles as to the conditions of success in the work of the ministry of souls What points of undesigned coincidence between these Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles contribute to the evidence for the authenticity of each Translate and write explanatory notes on the following passages Οί δε πιστούς έχοντες δέσποτας μή καταφρονεί- τωσαν ότι αδελφοί είσιν άλλα μάλλον δουλευέτιο- σαν ότι πιστοί ε'ιχτι και αγαπητοί 01 της ευεργεσίας αντιλαμβανόμενοι Ταΰτα δίδασκε και παρακαλεί Και ομολογουμένως μέγα εστί τό της ευσέβειας μυστήριον' Θεός εφανερώθη εν σαρκι εδικαιωθη εν ΤΙνεύματι ωφθη άγγέλοις έκηρΰχθη εν εθνεσιν επιχττεϋθη εν κόσμια άνελήφθη εν 80£7ן Πασα γραφή θεόπνευστος και ωφέλιμος προς διδασκαλιαν προς έλεγχαν προς επανόρθωσιν προς παιδείαν τήν εν δικαιοσυντ
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