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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-376

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378 DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP throne and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth and sat in ashes And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that He had said that He would do unto them and He did it not III fy Ittfr anil Ctacljing of gt $aul Examine the early life of St Paul as training for his future work as an apostle What truths does St Paul appear to have learnt especially at the time of his conversion In what passages of bis writings does he refer to those truths in connexion with that event The history of the friendship between Paul and Barnabas What points of resemblance and what of contrast does it present to the great example of friendship in the Old Testament What do you know and from what sources as to the events in St Paul's life- Between his conversion and his first apostolic journey Between his arrival at Rome and his death am made all things to all men What conspicuous instances of the truth of this assertion are presented by the conduct and teaching of St Paul What is the principal subject of the Epistles to the Thessa- lonians What do they teach respecting it Do you trace any connexion between this and what we are told in the Acts as to the Apostle's work in that Church The rise teaching and history of the Judaizers of the apostolic age Compare the teaching of St Paul and of St John What are the distinguishing characters of each Wherein do they essentially agree
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