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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-372

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374 DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP formed mainly of Jewish or heathen converts If you answer from the latter explain the use of διασπορά ver Distinguish accurately between άφθαρτοι αμίαντο and αμάραντοι Pet II Btbtnttg gbc&olarsfctp -Clje JProp trp of Siercmta foitlj tyt conttmporarp feistorp What account does Jeremiah give of his own calling to the office of prophet What was the state of the kingdom of Judah in its domestic and foreign relations at that time Give with dates the names of the successors of Josiah and the chief events in their reigns till the time of the Captivity The sufferings of Jeremiah In what did they originate What was their character Who were his chief enemies Who befriended him What events followed the conquest of Jerusalem by Nehu- chadnezzar What part did the prophet take in them In what conspicuous instances do you find wrong chrono- logical arrangement of the prophecies of this book In what instances were the prophecies of Jeremiah accom- panied by symbolic acts Examine in each case the meaning of the symbol What are the most striking portions of the teaching of Jeremiah- As prophet of Christ's kingdom As preacher of righteousness Explain the following passages Thus saith the Lord voice was heard in Ramah lamentation and bitter weeping Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children because they were not
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