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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-370

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372 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Passover explain and bear out the account of our Lord's last meal with his disciples How many anointings of our Lord have we in the Gospels With which other accounts is this of St Matthew xxvi 6-13 identical and from which other is it diverse Account for our Lord's exceeding heaviness Matt xxvi 37 as the hour of his Passion drew near Shall we say that Matt xxv 31-46 describes the judgment of the heathen or of the Jews or of both alike In what relation does our Lord's temptation in the garden stand to his preceding temptation in the wilderness -Ci 3cts of tfjt apostles anU φ pastoral CpistlcS Whosoever will do the will of my Father shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God What instances recorded in the Acts illustrate this law of God's government The life of St Paul Between his Conversion and his First Missionary Journey Between bis first and second visits to Corinth What were the characteristic tenets of the two chief philo- sophical sects of this period Examine St Paul's speech at Athens in its bearing upon them What indications do these books present Of the prevalence of belief in magic Of tendency to false asceticism The social condition of the Church at Ephesus as indicated by the Ppistles to Timothy Show that St Luke's language in speaking of Roman magistrates and institutions is uniformly correct What do you know as to the following persons and places Aquila Lydia Demas Jason Ciispus-Sil- vanus Amphipolis-Beraea-Melita-Miletus-Derbe- Attalia-Paphos
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