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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-37

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1857 37 yet officially aid their deliberations by his experience wisdom and influence The Court of Proprietors will rejoice to learn that the pre- sent Lord Bishop of London following the example of his predecessor is prepared to take King's College under his special care It would be difficult to find any one more con- versant with the details of education or more likely to exer- cise beneficial influence in the College than learned scholar such as Dr Tait who after being an eminent Tutor at Balliol College gained ample experience as Head Master of Rugby and subsequently did good service to the cause of education as Dean of Carlisle The Council have had the pleasure of recording on their minutes the official declaration made by their new Chairman on taking the chair for the first time that he is fully sensible of the great value of King's Col- lege London that he takes deep interest in its welfare and that he adopts it without hesitation as his Diocesan College This seems fitting place to state that the Council have lately received marble bust of the late Rev Hugh James Rose the second Principal of King's College executed by the eminent sculptor Mr Towne and presented to the College by several of Mr Rose's friends The Court of Proprietors will unite with the Council in their grateful appreciation of so interesting and valuable Memorial of distinguished Divine and Scholar who so largely contributed to the character of the Institution over which he presided It is now time to revert to the usual order observed in the annual Report The number of Students in each Department of the College and in the School during last Lent Term is accurately stated in the following table the Matriculated Students being distin- guished from the Occasional and care being taken as usual not to reckon the name of any Student more than once
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