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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-369

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 371 What was the doctrine of the Saxon Church concerning the Lord's Supper Give short account of Anselm Wiclif and Cranmer VIII -Snirouurtton to ti Jgtfo tjStanunt Give sketch of the life of St Luke What are the characteristic features of his Gospel What evidences have we of the existence from the earliest times of four Gospels and no more Where were Colosse Philippi Ephesus Corinth Thessa- lonica What do we know severally of these cities from profane history Is there any internal evidence that the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of St Luke proceeded from the same hand How far has the place of the Apocalypse in the Canon been called in question By whom And on what grounds Is St James the author of the Catholic Epistle identical with James the son of Alphaeus By what arguments would you maintain the conclusion at which you have arrived IX -St fHattfjtfo Why did our Lord refuse to be called good by the rich young man xix 16 What remarkable difference of reading exists in this passage When were our Lord's words to James and John xx 23 fulfilled What is the exact force of μη in the last clause of this verse Give some account severally of the Sadducees the Phari- sees and the Herodians Explain απεχ Mark xiv 31 and give the derivation of α&ημονύν Matt xxvi 37 ΰπ ρηφανία Mark vii 22 ήδνοσμον Matt xxiii 23 καθηγητή xxiii άνώγεον Mark xiv 15 How far does what we know of the Jewish Feast of the
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