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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-365

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 367 III Sbftmcta of Cijriitianiti How does the New Testament establish the Inspiration and Divine Authority of the Old Give some instances of the way in which passages are quoted from the Old Testament by the writers of the New How does this touch the question of Inspiration What is the nature of the unity which pervades the Bible and how far is this available as Evidence Contrast the Mosaic account of the Creation with some of the Heathen Cosmogonies IV Pastoral Ct coIog What are the chief causes of an imperfect knowledge of the truth How may they be most efficiently counteracted in the teaching of the pulpit Write short outline of sermon on the parable of the merchant seeking goodly pearls Show that the worship of the Church is among the best indications of the purity or corruption of its teaching Trace this connexion in particular in the history of the Eucharist What prominent portions of the Prayer Book of the Church of England had an Eastern and what Western origin What has been ascertained or conjectured as to the authorship of the latter What were the chief points of difference between the Communion Services of the first and second Prayer Books of Edward VI What facts furnish collateral evidence as to the tendencies at work in his reign and in that of Elizabeth The troubles at Frankfort What did they originate in What was their result What remarkable expressions of opinion did they call forth On what grounds would you defend The Sign of the Cross in Baptism The Absolution in the Visitation Service The use of Instrumental Music in the Service of the Church
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