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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-357

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 359 Mentu η some of the more remarkable instances in which the progress tf ritual observances may be traced from East to West What is known or inferred as to the authorship of the Te eum and the Athanasian Creed What internal evidence is there as to the date of the latter What does the Church consider as the qualifications neces- sary for Candidate for the Ministry What duties does she assign to the Diaconate and the Priesthood respectively The Burial Service of the Church of England On what models has it been constructed In what respects has it been altered at and since the Reformation On what principles may its present language be defended What do you know as to the characters of Archbishop Parkei -Archbishop Grindal-Archbishop Tillotson-John Reynolds- Richard Baxter What parts did they severally take in con- nexion with the history of the Prayer-Book The right and the wrong use of Dogmatic Theology in the pulpit What is the nature of the work of the Preacher as an Ethical Instructor State briefly the principles which should guide him as to the grounds of duty as to the motives to its performance -Cf IB Uusrtanunt Whence are derived the titles Bible Old Testament Pentateuch Where do we find the first trace of the threefold division into Law Prophets and Psalms What are the Hebrew words for each of them and what books are by the Jews included in the two last divisions The number of books in the Old Text is variously given as 22 24 27 Account for this variety Give an account of the division of the Old Testament into verses and paragraphs
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