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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-356

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858 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses finally in visage and aspect without beauty as also Esaias had foretold If He exercised no right of power even over His own people to whom He rendered the mean office of servant if He avoided being made king though knowing that He was king He gave most fully rule to His people in thus melting away the loftiness and pomp as well of dignity as of power For who should more have used these honours than the Son of God What fasces and how many would attend Him forth what purple glisten from His shoulders what gold gleam from His head if He had not determined that the glory of this world was foreign to Him and to His people That glory therefore which He would not have He hath rejected that which He rejected He hath condemned that which He hath condemned He hath concluded under the pomp of the devil III -eEbtUcnrtS of Cijrtettamto How would you meet the objection brought against Chris- tianity on the ground of the difficulties which meet us in the sacred Scriptures What arguments may be drawn in favour of Christianity from the manner in which its doctrines are brought before us in the Bible Show that there is necessary connexion between the doc- trines and the morality of the Christian scheme Meet the objections brought against Christianity because of the bad lives of many of its professors because it has hitherto accomplished so little in the world IV -pastoral Cijiologj Give short account of the chief facts in the history of the Church of England connected with the Prayer-Book between the death of Edward VI and the Hampton Court Conference What portions of the existing worship of the Church may be traced to the usages of the synagogue
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