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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-355

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Who were the Nicolaitans Rev ii and what is the probable explanation of their name Explain the following symbols -" The hair white as snow the eyes as flame of fire the sharp two-edged sword pro- ceeding out of the mouth Rev 14 16 fi What is the meaning of the Paradise of God Rev ii and trace the history of the word "paradise EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES Easter 1857 Translate into £11glfe Recte sane et valde in istos apposite senbit Cbrysostomus Haeretici inquit ciaudunt januas veritati sciunt enim si illse pateant ecclesiam non fore suam Et Theophylactus Verbum inquit Dei est lucerna ad quam fur deprehenditur Et Tertul- lianus Sacra inquit scriptura haereticurum fraudes et furtacon- vincit Cur enim celant cur supprimunt evangelium quod Cliristus de tecto sonari voluit Cur illud lumen abdunt sub modium quod stare oportuit in candelabro Cur rnultitudinis imperitae cascitati atque inscitiaa magis qiiam causae bonitati con- fidunt An putant artes jam suas non videri aut se nunc quasi Gygis annulum habeant posse ambulare inconspicuos Satis jam omnes satis vident quid sit in illo scrinio pectoris pontificii vel hoc ipsum argumento esse potest non recte ab illis non vere agi Suspecta merito videri debet ea causa quae examen et lucem fugitat nam qui male facit ut Christus ait quaent tenebras et odit lucem II CrauSlatt into αύι $ko$t Thy Lord walked in humility and lowliness having no certain home for He saith The Son of Man hath not where to lay his head in dress unadorned for else He would not have said Behold
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