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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-353

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 355 IX ty osSptt of &t iHattijtto Ch 1-22 What is the internal connexion between our Lord's Temp- tation and his Baptism Why are the temptations threes' How far do they severally correspond to the world the flesh and the devil which we promise to renounce Show that Moses in his legislation did not give liberty to divorce Matt 31 or to revenge 38 but rather placed restraint upon them What are the sheep's clothing" by which the false prophets seek to deceive and what the fruits by which they may be detected Matt vii 15 16 Give the derivation of άξίνη iii 10 νηστεύω iv σάπρος vii 17 άγνάφο ix 16 δυσκο'λωί xix 23 εϋνοΰ os xix 12 ακέραιος 16 Explain the exact process by which the scribes taught that the law of Moses Honour thy father &c might be evaded xv and give the precise force of 015 in άφίετε in the parallel passage in St Mark vii 12 What was the position which the Herodians the Pharisees and our Lord severally took in regard of the domination which the Romans exercised over the people of God Give scheme of the Lord's Prayer What did our Lord mean by saying that the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John the Baptist xi 11 Show that by this least he cannot mean himselt -Cfje Sets of tl &p0iStlfu aria tty $agtoral eBpistlciS Examine the speeches of St Paul recorded in the Acts as illustrating his power of becoming all things to all men Collect from the Acts indications of the prevalence of belief in magic In what way was that belief counteracted Mention some of the more remarkable various readings in these books ζ
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