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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-352

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354 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Shew that the Reformation had been preparing for ages before it took place and state the causes of delay Give some account of the Councils held in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Mention the chief steps in the progress of the Lutheran Reformation What was the state of the British Churches at the arrival of St Augustine 10 Give an account of the conversion of the Saxons in England 11 Which of the kings of England most effectually resisted Papal usurpations 12 What was the occasion and what the real causes of the Reformation in England 13 Give an account of the progress of the English Reforma- tion VIII-iittroUuction to tljc jiifo CtStament What are the special adaptations of the first Gospel for the Hebrew Christians What probably was that Gospel according to the Hebrews which was extant in early times What do we know of the life of St Mark Give some leading characteristics of his Gospel and show by proofs that it is not an epitome now of St Matthew and now of St Luke Give sketch of St Paul's life and training up to the period of his conversion What explanations of his change of name have been proposed Which is the most probable What was the occasion of St Paul's Epistle to Titus and what were the moral features of the people among whom he had left him to labour Were the errors at work in the Colossian Church Jewish or Oriental In what way does St Paul seek to meet them Distinguish between the following synonyms -άσΰνθιτο ind 5σποι δο5-θλίψις and στενοχώρια-δίκτνον σαγήνη άμφί- βληστρον
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