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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-35

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as The following Report on the general slate of the College was presented ly the Council to the General Court of Governors and Proprietor held on Friday April 28 1857 The Council of King's College London have much pleasure in submitting to the Court of Proprietors their Twenty-sixth Annual Report On the present occasion they feel it incumbent upon them to depart from the order usually observed in the annual record of their proceedings and suspending for time the customary statement of the condition and prospects of the different Departments in detail to advert at once to an event which deeply concerns the whole College It will be per- ceived that they allude to the resignation of the See of London by the learned able and conscientious Prelate who for so many years presided over this Diocese It had pleased Divine Providence to visit Bishop Blomfield with protracted illness which while it left his mental powers unimpaired had so far affected his bodily activity as to inca- pacitate him for the personal discharge of many of those onerous duties which the tenure of his high office implied In resigning the See of London he necessarily resigned also the office which by charter is united with it-the Chairman- ship of the Council of King's College London This severance of the ties which connected one of the most eminent men of his age with the regular and continuous working and deve-
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