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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-349

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 351 To what extent were the changes made in the second Prayer-book of Edward VI due to the influence of foreign Protestants What remarkable instances are there of the judg- ment as to that book subsequently expressed by them What were the chief disqualifications for admission into Holy Orders in the 4th and 5th centuries The nature and history of the Oath of Supremacy What do we learn from Chrysostom's treatise On the Priesthood as to the actual daily life of bishop in that age of the Church The relation of the systematic study of Theology to the work of the preacher Write short outline of sermon on the text -" Freely ye have received freely give IB Ctatament Which are the principal periods in the history of Israel and the dates How long were the Israelites in Egypt and how is" the number of years to be reckoned Give the names and dates of the kings of Assyria Babylon and Persia mentioned in the Old Testament Name the prophets in chronological order State the doctrine of Atonement as taught in the Pentateuch and show the inadequacy of the legal sacrifices State some of the arguments for the genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch Give short account of the history of the Jews after the close of the Old Testament Canon Give some account of the principal versions of the Old Testament Which are the most remarkable prophecies respecting the nature and coming of the Messiah and the reception he should meet with from Jews and Gentiles 10 Describe the geographical situations of Goshen Sinai Edom Moab Beersheba Kadesh Barnea Eziongeber Ramoth Gilead and Ashdod
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