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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-348

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350 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 19 good that by those sorrows and labours which are distasteful to the eye there may be possibility in us of refusing that good which is covered with such horror But the present pleasure he checketh with fear of punishment and the present horror and sharpness he sweetens with hope of reward that we may see more with our mind than with our eye that when the flesh declines goodness because it is irksome the spirit may embrace it because it bath the promise of reward that when the devil speaketh fair we may shut our ears because we know his words are as swords and when God nails us to the cross we may bless his name because he means to crown us III -C£btottuf$ of CljriStiant'tg How far do the Scriptures rest the proof of Christianity on Miracles What argument may be drawn from the rare allusions to Miracles or the absolute silence respecting them in most of the Epistles How would you meet the assertion that Miracle is an impossibility Pascal says that the greatest of all proofs of the truth of Christianity are the Prophecies Illustrate this Meet the objection urged against the obscurity of the Scriptural Prophecies and contrast with them other so-called Prophecies Mention some of our Lord's predictions which have been clearly fulfilled and show that they cannot be accounted for as the result of human sagacity IV -pastoral Ciitologp The influence of the Monastic life upon the worship of the Church What was the occasion the result of the last revision of the Prayer-book Under what circumstances was revision subsequently attempted
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