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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-347

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EXAMINATION PAPERS £0I0gfcal Department EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES Christmas 1856 -Ciansslate into £11gluii Molestum quidem nobis esset ita odiose accusari gravissimo crimine majestatis nisi sciremus Christum ipsum aliquando et apostolos et infinitos alios homines pios et Christianos vocatos fuisse in invidiam eodem fere crimine Nam Christus quidem quamvis docuisset dandum Caesari quod esset Caesaris tamen accusatus est seditionis quod res novas moliri et regnum appe- tere diceretur itaque ocelamatum est pro tribunalibus puhlice adversus eum Si hunc dimittis non es amicus Csesaris Et apostoli quamvis semper et constanter docuissent obtemperan- dum esse magistratibus omnem animam superioribus potestatibus esse subditam idque non tantum propter iram et vindictam sed etiam propter conscientiam tamen dicti sunt commovere populum et multitudinem ad rebellionem incitare II -EranSlate into Eattn prosit For God hatli mixed as it were an appearance of good with that which is evil various and delectable pleasantness in the things of this world that by those fair allurements in show there may be pos ibility of inducement into that evil which is not seen and he hath blended an apparency of evil with that which
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