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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-338

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338 SCHOOLS IN UNION all &ouls anu &t ittargltbonE Wnttitt Grammar CORNWALL TERRACE REGENT'S PARK FOUNDED 1832 Head Master John Batt LL Second Master Barford Esq University of London Assistant Masters Thomas Stevenson Esq -Charles Notlet Esq French Master Caillet Drawing Master Girardot German Master Dr Fleiss The Course of Education is as follows -the Greek Latin English French and German Languages Mathematics the Elements of Physical Science Mechanics Hydrostatics and Pneumatics Draw- ing Arithmetic and Writing Ancient and Modern Geography and History With these is combined Eeligious and Moral In- struction in conformity with the principles of the Church of England There is separate Course for Pupils designed for the Army or Navy or for Commercial pursuits Pupils are admitted at Seven Years of Age The hours of attendance are from to 12 and from to except on Saturdays when the School is closed at 12$ The Vacations are -Six weeks in the Summer three weeks at Christmas and ten days at Easter Eeport of the conduct and progress of each Pupil is forwarded to his Parent or Guardian at the close of each Term The year is divided into three Terms viz -Lent Term-from January to Easter Easter Term-from Easter to the end of July or beginning of August Trinity Term-from the beginning of September to Christmas terms Ordinary Pupils under Ten Years of Age 12 Guineas per annum Ditto above ditto 15 Daily Boarders in addition The Head Master receives Pupils into his house at 50 Guineas per annum including School Fees
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