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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-335

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SCHOOLS IN UNION 335 C&urci of Isnglanit cfiool aciineg FOUNDED NOVEMBER 1829 Patron The Right Hon and Right Rev the Lord Bishop op London President The Rev Goodohild Rector of Hackney Vice-President William Cotton Esq Head Master The Rev Jackson St John's College Oxford English and Writing Master-Mr Walker 111 film ×™×™ French-Monsieur Cellier German -Dr Cappel Drawing-Mr Jones The Head Master receives Boarders at 45 Guineas per annum and Day Boarders at 12 Guineas per annum Fees for Tuition -Under 12 years of age 14 Guineas per annum over 12 16 Guineas per annum These charges are in full of Tuition Books and School Stationery German included Extra charges are made for Singing Drawing and Drilling Vacations -Four weeks at Christmas six days at Easter six weeks at Midsummer DAVID CRAVEN Secretary Lower Homerton
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