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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-332

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332 SCHOOLS IN UNION CTambcrtocIl CToUrgtate Sbc&ool SITUATE IN CAMBERWELL GROVE INSTITUTED 1833 Patron The Lord Bishop op Winchester Head Master The Rev Green Baliol College Oxford Carte Esq Sidney Mathematical Master C0Uege Cambridge English Master Mr Noble French and German Master Foogo Esq Christ's Coll Camb Drawing Master Mr Richards TERMS Boarders including Laundress 60 Guineas per Ann Daily Boarders 31 Day Scholars 16 Printed Report of each Boy's conduct and industry is sent to his Parents or Guardians every Month Six Prizes are given by the Head Master to the most deserving boys after the Summer and Winter Examinations besides which the following are also presented An Exhibition founded by the Proprietors of the annual value of Ā£10 tenable for two years The King's College Prize to the First Boy in Classics and Mathematics alternately
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