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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-246

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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246 THE SCHOOL Division of Modern Dxvmon of Classic Instruction aotoer St'itf Class Turner Alfred Finnev Henry JfieA 185e sleden1 Edward Bywater Ingram Wilkinson Clement Lent Term 1857 י י Cochrane Joseph Β Emberson Frederick Hill Arthur 1857 Hardy John jfiftf Class Willouehby George Hill Arthur 1856 tTomes Thomas ΡΓ "Turner Charles VVighton Edward Lent Term 1857 Vizard Andrew Reece Richard Μ Hutcheson Bast Term 1857 Castl Edwftrd sapper dfourtt Class Sillitoe Acton Ward TheodoreM lf VA 1856 Gardne rjThomasW Robertson John O'Malley Edwd Hall George Cheston Charles Robertson Geo Griffith Gualter JLotDer jf ourtf Class Cowie Thomas Till William Mich Term 1856 י Oalliers George Baker Henry Stone Hawksworth Lent Term 1857 Eustace Weitbrecht John Η Ashford Henry East Term 1857 Sa er Hfinry iEfjir& Class 1r it 1fiK Silva Frederic Cox Henry Α 1866 Shippard Walkinshaw 7w או Perkins William Ε Fleming Sidney Η Lent Term 1857 Weitbrecht John East Term 1857 "ar George Smith Edward י Adams Charles
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