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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-245

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the school 245 Hedgman William fourth Class Scholar Wyld James John Fifth Class Scholar Heath Edward Sixth Class Scholar Names of Pupils to whom Prizes were presented at the Public Distribution on Friday July 31 1S57 ly the Right Hon and Right Rev the L0RU Bishop or London prize for latin essay Given by the Council Taylor Charles prize for greek iambics Given by the Council Orton Owen prize for latin verse Given by the Principal Maidlow John Mott prize for english verse Given by the Head Master Hine George Thomas Arrowsmith prize for an english essay Given by the JMerary Union Jackson Blomfield Μ arras Americo Section XVII Division of Classics Division of Modern Instruction Bpper giiitfj Class Mick 7v 1856 ך Maidlow John Mott Taylor Charles East Term 1857 Pratt James Davies Thomas
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