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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-238

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238 THE SCHOOL Scholarship obtained in the School is tenable with one gained in the College Candidates must give fourteen days' notice to the Head Master previously to the Examination No Pupil above eighteen years of age on the 1st of January preceding the Election will be allowed to stand for any Scholarship In seeking to ascertain for which Scholarship any particular Pupil may become Candidate it is to be remembered that the age and the number of Terms must be calculated up to the 1st of January preceding the Election The next Examinations for all the Scholarships except the Mathematical will commence on Thursday January 21 1858 Each Candidate must give in his name in writing to the Secretary of the College and pay the fees for the Lent Term before four o'clock on Thursday January 14 1858 after which hour no name will under any circumstances he received The Examinationfor the Mathematical Scholarships will take place on Monday March 22 1858 and candidates must give in their names as above before o'clock on Thursday March 11 The following will be the subjects for Examination 1858 FIRST CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS Classical Scholarship- The Gospel according to St Matthew in Greek Sophocles Trach Tacitus Ann II III History Ancient and Modern Compositions Greek and Latin Prose and Verse The Book of Joel in Hebrew or German at the option of each Candidate Candidates will also be examined in passages from any of the Greek and Latin Classics with special attention to Gram- mar and Philology Preliminary Examination -Euclid II III Algebra as far as Simple Equations Arithmetic
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