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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-232

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232 THE SCHOOL CLASS PRIZES DIVISION OF MODERN INSTRUCTION One Prize is awarded every Term in the 6th 5th Upper 4th Lower 4th 3d and 2d Classes The Prizes in each Class are given not for merit in indi- vidual subjects but for good conduct and general proficiency in all the subjects taught in the Class excepting those for which separate prizes are given No boy can obtain the same General Class Prize twice PRIZES OPEN TO PUPILS OF BOTH DIVISIONS IN MATHEMATICS Six Prizes each Term to the boys passing the best Exa- mination in the following subjects First Prize -Euclid VI -XL Conic Sections Differential Calculus &c Second Prize -Trigonometry Logarithms Euclid IV VI and deductions Third Prize -Euclid IV and VI Quadratic Equations Problems Binomial Theorem and Combinations Fourth Prize -Euclid III and IV Quadratic Equations Series Problems in Progressions and in Equations Fifth Prize -Euclid III Quadratic Equations Ratio and Proportion Binomial Surds Sixth Prize -Euclid II Simple Equations Surds Greatest Common Measure Least Common Multiple IN ENGINEERING One Prize each Term With the view of preventing any Pupil contending for lower Prize than is consistent with his standing in Mathe- matics the Examiner with the assistance of the Mathematical Master will decide for which Prize each Candidate is at liberty to contend
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