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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-219

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the school 219 VI Jje c&ool names of masters Head Master -REV MAJOR Vice-Master -Rev Fearnley Carr Esq Rev William Webster Rev Ī¤ Cockayne Rev George Rust Rev Hayes Rev Heywood Rev Smyth Rev Otto Adolphus Rev Daseut Mathematical Master -George Robarts Smalley Esq Arithmetical and Second Mathematical Master -J Haddon Esq Lamb Writing and Second Arithmetical Master -J Le Jeune Esq Assistant Arithmetical and Writing Master -James Swift Esq French Language -M Thibaudin Master and MM Wattez and Leriche Assistant Masters German Language -Rev Wintzer Ph Master Geometrical Drawing -Professor Bradley Landscape Drawing -Professor De La Motte Fencing -Professor Angelo Singing -Professor John Hullah Dancing -E Goodwin Esq Lecturer on Science -C Tomlinson Esq King's College School consists of two divisions The Division of Classics Mathematics and General Literature The Division of Modern"Insi uction
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