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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-217

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hilitary department 217 Stationery of all kinds may be obtained at tbe Secretary's office at moderate prices This arrangement is made in order that all examinations and exercises given up to the Professors may be written upon uniform paper II Fees for Admission to Separate Courses Term Pek Ask £ £ Latin and Ancient Hist'ory 10 10 Mathematics 10 10 History Geography 110 12 French German Fortification &c 10 10 Plan Drawing Fencing 11 Section VIII scholarships and prizes The Inglis Scholarships see page 86 the Divinity Scholar- ship see page 88 the Daniell Scholarship see page 171 the Stephen Prize for an English Essay the Principal's Prize for Latin Verse the Plumptre Prizes for English Verse the Dasent Prize for an English Essay see pages 92 and 93 are all open to Students of this Department Class prizes are given in this Department for Divinity in each year Fortification Military Drawing and for general proficiency in subjects not strictly professional Section IX Names of those 10 whom ifa Prizes of the present year were presented at the public distribution June 26 1857 by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury divinity Waterhouse James Fee of Is per Term is also required for the Model Room
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