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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-212

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212 military department VII German by Adolphus Bernays Ph Professor VIII Fortification and Military Science by Major Griffiths Royal Artillery Professor IX Plan Drawing by Frederick Alfred Bradley Esq Lecturer Section II religious instruction Lectures on some Book of the Holy Scriptures are delivered by th Chaplain every Wednesday There are also Examina- tions every alternate Saturday on the Lectures of the pre- ceding fortnight and on Text-books chosen by the Principal The Text-books for the Academical year 1857-8 will be- Paley's Horae Paulinae for Second-year Students Birks' Horaj Apostolicse Published by the Religious Tract Society for First-year The Historical Books of the Old Testament Section III PROFESSIONAL STUDIES The entire Course occupies two years The Students are classed as follows The Course for Students of the first year includes-Latin Mathematics History Ancient and Modern English Litera- ture and Composition Geography French or German Plan Drawing Fortification For Students of the second year instruction of higher kind is continued in Latin Mathematics History Ancient Modern and Military English Literature and Composition French or German Surveying and Reconnoitring Plan Draw- ing Fortification Manufacture of Ordnance Combustibles &c Gunnery Construction of Field Works and Bridges
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