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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-211

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military department Jflilttarg Sfcpartuunt This Department is intended for the benefit of the numerous class of Gentlemen who may be expecting Com- missions in the Army or direct appointments in the Honour- able East India Company's service and for the Junior Officers in these services Section The following are the subjects of the regular Lectures given in this Department with the names of the Professors and Lecturers Religious Instruction according to the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland by the Rev Ε II Plumftre Chaplain late Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford II Latin and Ancient History by the Rev Browne late Fellow and Tutor of St John's College Oxford Professor and Horton Smith Esq Scholar of St John's College Cambridge Lecturer III Mathematics by the Rev Hall late Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College Cambridge Professor the Rev Cock of Trinity College Cambridge and Rev Charles Elsee Fellow of St John's College Cambridge Lecturers IV Modern History by Pearson Esq Professor Fellow of Oriel College Oxford Geography by the Rev Nicolay VI French by Alphonse Mariette Professor and Leonce Stievenard Lecturer ο
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