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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-208

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208 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Christian and surname at full length candidate for employment as an Assistant-Surgeon in the service of the East India Company do hereby declare that was-years of age on the- day of-last and that labour under no constitutional disease or physical disability that can interfere with the due discharge of the duties of medical officer and also attest my readiness to proceed on duty to India within three months of receiving my appointment This declaration must be accompanied by the following documents Proof of age either by extract from the Register of the Parish in which the candidate was born or by his own declaration pursuant to the Act 5th and 6th William IV cap 62 certificate of moral character from magistrate or minister of the reli- gious denomination to which the candidate belongs who has personally known him for at least two preceding years diploma in Surgery or degree in Medicine provided an examination in surgery be required for such degree from some body competent by law to grant or confer such diploma or degree certificate of having attended two courses of lectures of six months each on the practice of physic and of having attended for six months the practice and clinical instruction of the physicians at some hospital containing at least on an average 100 in-patients or of having attended one course of lectures of six months on the practice of physic and clinical instruction for twelve months certificate of having attended for three months the practical instruction given at one of the public asylums for the treatment of the insane certificate of having attended for three months one of the institutions or wards of an hospital especially devoted to the treatment of ophthalmic disease Candidates who may not have been able to attend the practice of an asylum for the insane or of an ophthalmic hospital for three months previous to their offering themselves for examination will not be excluded from examination but will if successful in obtaining recommendation for appointments be required to produce certificates of having attended such practice during the interval between the Examination and the time of proceeding to India certificate of having attended course of lectures on Midwifery and of having conducted at least six Labours certificate of having acquired practical knowledge of Cupping Candidates may also at their option send in certificates of attendance at any hospitals or on any courses of lectures in addition to the above Attendance on course of military surgery and the practical study of surgical operations on the dead body are recommended The Examination will include the following subjects Surgery in all its departments Medicine including the Diseases of Women and Children Therapeutics Pharmacy and Hygiene Anatomy and Physiology including Comparative Anatomy gee subsequent paper Natural History including Botany and Zoology
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