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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-202

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202 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT IV ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND Candidates will be required to produce the following Certificates viz Of being twenty-one years of age Of having been engaged during four years in the acquirement of professional knowledge Of having studied Practical Pharmacy during six months Of having studied Anatomy and Physiology by attendance on Lec- tures and Demonstrations and by Dissections during three Winter Sessions Of having attended during two Winter Sessions Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery Of having attended during one Summer Session Lectures on Materia Medica and Lectures on Midwifery Practical Midwifery to be attended at any time after the conclusion of the Session Of having attended at least one Course of Lectures on the Practice of Physic and one Course on Chemistry Of having attended at recognised Hospital or Hospitals in the United Kingdom the Practice of Physic during one Winter and one Summer Session And of having attended during three Winter and two Summer Sessions the Practice of Surgery at recognised Hospital or Hospitals in the United Kingdom 10 And of having attended Clinical Lectures on Medicine and Surgery in conformity with the Regulations of the Council IT Members or Licentiates of any legally constituted College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom and Graduates in Surgery of any University requiring residence to obtain Degrees will be admitted for Examination on producing their Diplomas Licence or Degree together with proof of being twenty-one years of age and of having been occupied at least four years in the acquirement of professional knowledge III Graduates in Medicine of any legally constituted College or University requiring residence to obtain Degrees will be admitted for Examination on adducing together with their Diploma or Degree proof of having completed the Anatomical and Surgical Education required by the foregoing Regulations either at the School and Hospital of the University where they shall have graduated or at one or more of the recognised Schools and Hospitals in the United Kingdom IV Candidates who shall have attended at recognised Colonial Hospitals and Schools the Medical and Surgical Practice and the several Courses of Lectures with the Demonstrations and Dissections required by the foregoing Regula- tions will be admitted for Examination upon producing Certificates of such attendance together with Certificates of having attended in London during one Winter Session the Surgical Practice of recognised Hospital and Lectures on Anatomy Physiology and Surgery with Demonstrations and Dissections
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