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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-201

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 201 attended the Physicians' practice in some general Hospital in this country for at least twelve months Candidates who have already been engaged in practice and have attained the age of forty years but have not passed through the complete course of study above described may be admitted to examination upon presenting to the Censors' Board such testimonials of character general and professional as shall be satisfactory to the College The first Examination is in Anatomy and Physiology and is understood to comprise knowledge of such propositions in any of the physical sciences as have reference to the structure and functions of the human body The second Examination includes all that relates to the causes and symptoms of diseases and whatever portions of the collateral sciences may appear to belong to these subjects The third Examination relates to the treatment of diseases including scientific knowledge of all the means used for that purpose The three Examinations are held at separate meetings of the Censors' Board The viva vove part of each is carried on in Latin except when the Board deems it expedient to put questions in English and permits answers to be returned in the same language The College is desirous that all those who receive its Diploma should have had such previous education as would imply competent knowledge of Greek hut it does not consider this indispensable if the other qualifications of the Candidate prove satisfactory it cannot however on any account dispense with familiar knowledge of the Latin language as constituting an essential part of liberal education at the commencement therefore of each oral examination the Candidate is called on to translate viva voce into Latin passage from Hippocrates Galen or Aretseus or if he declines this he is at any rate expected to construe into English portion of the works of Celsus or Sydenham or some other Latin medical author In connexion with the oral examinations the Candidate is required on three separate days to give written answers in English to questions on the different subjects enumerated above and to translate in writing passages from Greek or Latin books relating to medicine The College gives no particular rules as to the details of previous education or the places at which it is to be obtained It will be obvious however from reference to the character and extent of the study above described the manner in which the examinations are conducted and the mature age of the Candi- dates as affording full time for acquiring the necessary knowledge that there will be ample security afforded to the public and the profession that none hut those who have had liberal and learned education can presume with the slightest hope of success to offer themselves for approval to the Censors' Board
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