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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-197

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 197 recognised University if not in the University of London they must also pro- duce Certificate of having completed their twenty-third year Of having subsequently attended to Clinical or Practical Medicine during two years in recognised Medical Institution or to Clinical or Practical Medicine during one year in recognised Medical Institution and of having practised his profes- sion during three years or if he has taken the Degree of in this University of having been engaged during five years in the practice of his pro- fession One year of attendance on Clinical or Practical Medicine or two years of Practice dispensed with in the case of those wbo at the second Examination have been placed in the First Division Of Moral Character signed by two persons of respectability Candidates shall be examined in the following subjects -Elements of Intel- lectnal Philosophy Logic and Moral Philosophy Candidates who have taken Degree in Arts in this University or in any recognised University excepted Medicine and shall write Commentary on some case in Medicine Surgery or Midwifery at their own option Candidates will also be required to report on cases of actual Patients Amount of fee 10 The most distinguished Candi- date receives Certificate of Honour For the regulations relating to Students who commenced their Medical Studies in or before January 1839 and to Practitioners in Medicine or Surgery desirous of obtaining degrees in Medicine see the London University Calendar II STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH RELATIVE TO THE DEGREE OF By regulation of the University of Edinburgh three out of the four years of study required by that University for its degree of may be passed in studying at the Medical School of King's College Sect No one shall be admitted to the Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine who has not been engaged in medical study for four years during at least six months of each either in the University of Edinburgh or in some other University where the Degree of is given unless in addition to three Medical Sessions so constituted he has attended during at least six winter months the Medical or Surgical Practice of General Hospital which accommodates at least eighty patients and during the same period course of Practical Anatomy Sect II No one shall be admitted to the Examinations for the Degree of Doctor who has not given sufficient evidence
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