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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-195

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 195 Section XXIV Regulations ants Kequirnnnus of Examining 15oftic0 Every effort is made to obtain the latest regulations but Students intending to offer themselves for examination before any of the Examining Bodies are recommended to make direct application to the Secretaries of those Bodies for any information which they may require Regulations of the University of London respecting Degrees Students of King's College London are admitted to Examin- ation for Degrees in Arts and Medicine and for thejionours exhibitions and scholarships conferred by the Senate of the University of London Candidates for Degrees must attend in person before the commencement of the Examinations to register their names and pay the required fees to the Registrar All required Certificates must be transmitted to the Registrar at least fourteen days before the Examinations begin Matriculation The Matriculation Examination takes place yearly commencing on the first Monday in July Fee £2 No Candidates are admitted unless they have produced Certificates of having completed their sixteenth year The subjects for Examination are Mathema- tics Natural Philosophy Chemistry Classics the English Language the Outlines of History and Geography and the French or the German language No one will be approved by the Examiners unless he shows competent know- ledge of such portions of these subjects as are set forth in the University Calendar Bachelor of Medicine Candidates for this Degree are required- To have been engaged during four years in their professional studies at one or more of the Institutions or Schools recognised in this University To have spent one year at least of the four in one or more of the re- cognised Institutions or Schools in the United Kingdom To pass two Examinations The first Examination takes place on the first Monday in August each year Fee £5 Ν
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