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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-192

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192 medical department Comparative Anatomy Gooch James Wyard Prize Parsons Charles Certificates of Honour Harris Edward Clinical Medicine Walters John Prize Hartley John Henry Certificate of Honour Clinical Surgery iddon William Prize Section XXIII Names of the Matriculated Students of this Department who hare taken out Cards of Attendance during the Sessions of 1850-57 Those marked received Special Certificate for lit Class in Divinity Those marked received Special Certificate for Practical Λ natomy Those marked received Special Certificate for Phtfsiology Those marked received Special Certificate for Chemistry Those marked received Special Certificate for Materia Medica ee Those marked received Special Certificate for Midwifery Those marked received Special Certificate fyr Botany Those marked received Special Certificate for Foremic Medicine Those marked received Special Certificate for Practical Chemistry Adair Ponsonby Bennett Hugh Albert George Blundell William Alcock John Bower Edmund Alston William Bright Riciiard Anderson Mark Brown Robert Atchley George Fred Bryant Henry Bate George Bubb John Batho Robert Byas Edward Bayley Joseph Bush Francis Beale George Castle William Η Belcher Paul Catling George Belcher Robert Shirley '34Cayley William Belgrave Thomas 134Cayzer Thomas Bell Thomas Chipman John
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