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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-175

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 175 The choice of Out-patient Clerks is subject to the following rules -The names of the students of the same year will be arranged in the order of merit but students of different years who shall pass the examinations will have precedence according to seniority students of the fourth year over students of the third year students of the third year over students of the second year and students of the second year over students of the first year In the case of equality of merit between students of the same year the student whose name stands first on the Hospital Register shall have prece- dence Graduates of Oxford and Cambridge or of any University of the United Kingdom requiring residence of not less than three years shall rank for the purposes of the examination with students of the year senior to their own If any Out-Patient Clerk is by any cause prevented from attending temporarily to his duties he shall provide sub- stitute approved by the Physician under whom he is serving In-Patient Clinical Clerks -There shall be six In-Patient Clinical Clerks two for each physician Candidates shall have attended six months' in-patient medical practice The examina- tion shall be viva voce and written the former in anatomy and morbid anatomy-the latter in materia medica and the prac- tice of medicine Candidates shall also if required take case or cases chosen by the physicians from patients in the house at the time of examination The most proficient candidate shall be elected but in case of equality the preference shall be given to the Canditate who shall have served the office of Out-Patient Clerk to the satisfaction of the physicians for the full period of six months In-Patient Clinical Clerks shall serve for six months they shall attend regularly at the hour appointed accompany the physician during his visit and keep correct report of all the cases belonging to the physician under whom they respect- ively serve On the taking-in days of their respective physicians the se- nior Clinical Clerks shall be ready to undertake the duties of Physicians' Assistant during his absence from the Hospital
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