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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-162

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162 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to the Secretary of the College before four o'clock on Monday October 1857 after which hour no name will be received The subjects for the Divinity part of this Examination in 1857 will be- The 1st and 2d Books of Samuel The Acts of the Apostles Bishop Butler's Analogy Part Chap iii iv Part II Chap vi vii The subjects for the Divinity part of this Examination in 1858 will be- The 1st and 2d Books of Kings The 1st Epistle to the Corinthians Bishop Butler's Analogy Part Chap vi vii Part II Chap ii iv iulantrfmir rfjolarsljip it&otomrnt The late Rev Samuel Wilson Warneford LL having been pleased in November 1851 to present to the College the sum of Five Thousand Pounds for the foundation of Medical Scholarships and to lay down certain Rules for the guidance of the Council in awarding such Scholarships The Council hereby give notice that the following are the Rules under which Scholars on this Foundation are to be elected Class For the Encouragement of the previous Education of Medical Students Two Scholarships are given at the commencement of each Winter Session of the value of £25 per annum each to be held for three years subject to the provisions hereafter stated and as often as the Council has accumulated the sum of £50 by means of lapsed and forfeited Scholarships or of interest on the Warneford King's College Scholarship" funds in their possession an additional Scholarship of £25 per annum for two years is given after due notice
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