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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-154

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154 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT II If the Student be desirous of accomplishing in three years the amount of attendance required by the College of Surgeons and by the Society of Apothecaries he may do so by following the subjoined course of study First Winter Session First Summer Session Second Winter Session Practical ן Anatomy Surgery Second Summer ΤίίϊιΤ Session Descriptive Anatomy General Anatomy and Physiology Chemistry Botany Materia Medica Midwifery MJescriptive Anatomy Practical General Anatomy and Anal Physiology ן Medicine Practice of the Hospital and Clinical Lectures Practical Chemistry Forensic Medicine T'sress nter fhylotogy Session Medicine Surgery Descriptive Anatomy practical lad jAnatomy Practice of the Hospital and Clinical Lectures Students who are intended for the medical service of the Army or Navy must attend three Courses of Medicine and three Courses of Surgery and consequently Course of each in the First Winter in addition to the Courses prescribed above They also require six months of Practical Pharmacy and Course of Comparative Anatomy or Natural History 'lie Practical Pharmacy may be most conveniently attended in the First and Second Summer Sessions and Comparative Anatomy in the Third Summer Session Students who intend to prepare themselves for the Fellowship of the College of Surgeons require additional attendance in the class of Practical Chemistry and that three years at least shall have been passed in one or more of the recognised Hospitals or Schools of London All Students are strongly recommended at least during their first year to avail themselves of the assistance of the Medical Tutor
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