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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-148

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Section III MEDICAL LIBRARY Librarian-Rev Nicolay Medical Librarian-T Stephen Esq The Medical Library contains large number of standard medical works which the Students have the opportunity of perusing in the Library during the intervals between Lectures or of taking home for limited period REGULATIONS This Library is open every day in the week except as below from 10 to for the use of Associates and Matriculated Students of the Medical Department and of such Occasional Students as shall pay for admission thereto -On Saturdays it is closed at and during the months of December and January at No Student of any other Department is permitted to enter the Medical Library As this Library is to be used for the purposes of reference antl study only silence must be observed and Students must appear in their Academical Dress Application for all books required for reading must be made to the Librarian and the borrower is expected to return each book so lent into the hands of the Librarian before leaving the Library Books may be taken out of the Library for the purposes of study with the written permission of the Dean All books so lent out must be brought back to the Librarian at the end of week from the day of issue Any Student who keeps book or books beyond the specified time will incur fine of two-pence per day for each volume and no other work will be issued to him until this fine is paid Book is kept in which Students may enter the titles of any works they may wish to have added to the Library These if approved of by the Dean are ordered The Students have the privilege of examining the collections of bones and of consulting books of plates kept in the Library but neither bones nor plates are allowed to be taken out of the Library
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