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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-143

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 143 The Committee feel assured that the Governors will consider money and energies well spent in inaugurating under intelligent direction this improved system of Hospital nursing which independently of its moral effect upon the minds of the poor will supply class of intermediate agents possessed of the ability to apprehend and the self-denial to execute whatever science may devise for the relief of human suffering But whilst thus engaged in providing the machinery of an improved adminia- tration the Committee have found their efforts more and more impeded by the inconvenient character and dilapidated condition of the old Hospital Buildings In their last Report the Committee referred to an effort in which they were then engaged to close the accounts for the first portion of the Building and to release sum of £4 189 10 which by the conditions of the Donors was locked up until £10 000 inclusive of such sum was raised At the time when the last Court met £4 281 had been subscribed leaving balance to be then obtained of £1 529 9s The Committee have now the great satisfaction of announcing that this latter sum has been raised and that the claims in respect of the works executed have been closed Urged by the necessity of rendering the various departments of the Charity efficient the Committee propose immediately to give their serious attention to the completion of the Building The grateful acknowledgments of the Committee are in an especial manner due to the Right Honourable the Earl of Harrowby for his kind and able support at their last festival And they would recognise with thankfulness the unabated zeal and liberality of very many old and tried friends of the Hospital Such support affords encouragement to the Committee in their arduous work and they hope that as the Hospital becomes better known and its sphere of usefulness extended yet wider circle of benefactors will supply the means for its support and aid in carrying out the design of its founders The Legacies received during the past year have been smaller in amount than usual The Committee record with gratitude Legacy from the Rev Ware £77 9s lid from Miss Jones of Salisbury Square of £500 and Miss Trundle £45 Whilst engaged in the preparation of this Report the Committee have learned with deep regret the death of their valued President the Earl of Ellesmere The biographer will record the many acts of enlightened philanthropy by which the life of that accomplished nobleman was distinguished To us it belongs to add to numerous proofs of munificence manifested by your late President in pro- moting with zeal and discriminati η the well-being of this Charity liberal donation of £200 made as recently as the last month an affectionate mark of sympathy for sickness and suffering from one who had himself suffered much Signed on behalf of the Committee THOMAS PHILLIPS February 20th 1857 rice-Chairman An Appeal in reference to the Building Fund will be found bound up at the close of this book
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