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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-141

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 141 of allotting limited number of beds to Dr Arthur Farre for the treatment of diseases peculiar to women They accordingly expressed their hope that the Committee would so increase the number of beds as to enable the Council to make the arrangements which they desired The Committee having considered the recommendations of the Council were of opinion that the usefulness of the Charity would be essentially promoted by enlarging its accommodation for the reception of the sick poor of whom increasing numbers have been turned away for want of room They accordingly provided 12 beds for Mr Bowman and for Dr Arthur Farre with an expression of their hope that it would be found possible hereafter to increase Mr Bowman's beds to 20 and Dr Arthur Farre's to 10 Notwithstanding this addition to the number of beds in permanent use the applications for admission continue to be greatly in excess of the means of accommodation In the course of the year the Council of the College indicated their sense of the claims of Dr George Johnson by appointing him third Physician of the Hospital The great addition which of late years has taken place in the number of persons daily seeking advice and medicine as out-patients and the increase of the duties of the officers in charge of the out-patient department having seriously engaged the attention of the Council they resolved on an addition to the number of the officers to whom that important part of the Charity is confided Dr Guy after faithful service of sixteen years has retired from the more active duties of Physician to out-patients retaining his position as one of the Physicians of the Hospital and the Charity will not be deprived of that assistance which he has hitherto rendered in the collection and arrangement of medical statistics Dr Lionel Beale has been appointed Physician with the care of out-patients and Dr Charles Murchison and Dr Conway Evans have been appointed Assistant Physicians Mr Henry Lee's services have been recognised by his appointment as Surgeon with the care of out-patients and Mr John Wood and Mr John Whitaker Hulke have been appointed Assistant Surgeons The Committee bearing in mind that 500 patients have often to be seen in one day believe that these appointments will facilitate the operations of this important department of the Hospital The total income of the Charity during the past year excluding Legacy of £500 given by Miss Jones which was invested in the purchase of Stock in accordance with the directions of the Act of Incorporation has been £5 587 Ss lid and the expenditure £7 858 9s llrf To provide for this excess the Committee have been obliged with the sanction of the Council to have recourse to their small invested Capital-a necessity which they deeply deplore The amount now standing to the account of the Charity is £2 211 8s lOd in Consols and £100 in per cent reduced Annuities The liabilities for the past year amount to £1 965 16 The small accumulations which had arisen from Legacies have thus been employed of necessity to provide for the current expenditure of the Charity and the Committee solicit the earnest consideration of the Governors to the per-
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