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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-140

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140 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Danes but receives Patients in large numbers from the sur- rounding parishes of St Giles St Mary-le-Strand St Andrew Holborn and St George Bloomsbury as well as from the populous parish of Lambeth It is also very largely resorted to by the poor from every part of London from the suburban districts and even from the country to the distance of many miles around the Metropolis It is well furnished with every means of practical instruction and all appointments of Resident Officer Dressers and Clinical Clerks are under the regula- tions of the "King's College Hospital Act 1851 conferred on Pupils of King's College Committee of Management-1857 The Treasurer of King's Col Hospital Copeland Esq Aid The Principal of King's Col London Rev Jelf TheChaplainofKing'sColl Hospital Rev Giraud Sir Thomas Phillips Vice-Chairman James Capel Esq Moore Esq Robert Cheere Esq Innes Pocock Esq William Cotton Esq Nathaniel Powell Esq Cunningham Esq Charles Robinson Esq Henry Denton Esq Sambrooke Esq Egerton Esq Smith Jun Esq Henry Erskine Esq John Stillwell Esq Vernon Harcourt Esq Mr Serjeant Storks Heberden Esq Todd Esq Rev Major Francis Wigg Esq Rev Mason Edward Wigram Esq Moody Esq Secretary -William Foster Esq The following is the Report from the Committee of Manage- ment for 1856 The number of patients admitted into the Hospital during the year 1856 has been 388 being an increase of in-patients over those of the preceding year of 155 The midwifery cases attended at the patients' own homes have been 624 being an increase of 124 The number of out-patients has been 24 940 being an increase of 726 In the early part of last year the Council of King's College intimated to the Committee their desire to recognise the past services of Mr Bowman by ap- pointing him Surgeon to the Hospital and signified their sense of the importance
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