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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-138

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138 medical department In addition to the Laboratory Fee each Student defrays the expenses of his own experiments the amount of this ex- pense which is comparatively trifling is entirely under his own control Every table is furnished with cupboard under lock and key and deposit of 10s is made by each Pupil on first receiving possession The Laboratory opens the first week in October and closes in the middle of July with vacation of fortnight at Christmas and week at Easter Hours of attendance daily from 10 till except on Saturday when the Laboratory closes at XIV Logic Lectures on this subject as required by the Army Medical Board are given during the first half of the Winter Session They consist of two parts On Formal Scholastic or Syllogistic Logic by Professor Rev Browne and On Inductive Logic by Guy The first por- tion of the Course treats of the general method of reasoning the second of the process of induction including the best modes of observing collecting arranging and analysing facts with especial reference to the profession of medicine Natural Philosophy The Professor of this subject will suit his Course during the months of October November and December to the wants of such Medical Students as require Certificates for the Army XV Resident Medical Tutor It is the province of the Tutor to assist the Censor in the charge of the resident Students and to aid the Junior Students resident as well as non-resident in their studies The course of instruction given by the Medical Tutor is intended to assist the Junior Students in overcoming some of the difficulties which they have to contend with at the com- mencement of their attendance upon Lectures The following is the plan pursued by the Tutor Each class attends for an hour during the Winter Session three times week one day
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