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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-123

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Page content

applied sciences 123 Chemistry -Principles of Heat Electricity Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds Fermentation and its Products Manufacturing Art -Steam and the Steam Engine Surveying and Levelling -An Actual Survey of portion of Line of Railway of not less than half mile complete according to Standing Orders The requisite trial and final Levels upon Line of not less than three miles Geology -Nature of Stratification and Elements of De scriptive Geology Mineralogy -Knowledge of simple Minerals Practical and Descriptive Geometry junior scholarship Divinity -The Book of Exodus The Gospel according to St Luke Mathematics Euclid Books II III IV VI XL Algebra and Plane Trigonometry Elementary Mechanics -Elementary Statics and Dynamics Principles of Work Chemistry -Laws of Heat and Static Electricity Chemistry of the Non-metallic Elements Practical and Descriptive Geometry Section VIII prizes SUpficn nfcotomcnt The Stephen Prize for an English Essay is open to all Matri- culated Students not being Associates of this Department See page 92 Or Principal's piumptrt anil JDasrnt yn'jrs These Prizes are open to all Matriculated Students not being Associates of this Department See pages 92 and 93 Class 3r ct Prizes are awarded at the June Examination of each Class in the several subjects of Mathematics Natural Philo-
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