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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-122

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122 APPLIED SCIENCES and also of those Candidates for the Junior Scholarships who may have been Students of the College during the preceding Michaelmas Term the ordinary examination at Christmas if satisfactory will be considered an equivalent for the Divinity examination All other Candidates must pass this examina- tion at the time fixed Mathematics Monday March 22 1S58 Manufacturing Art Tuesday 23 Geometrical Drawing Wednesday 24 Chemistry Thursday 25 Natural Philosophy Friday 26 Geology and Mineralogy Saturday 27 Surveying' Monday April 12 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to the Secretary before four o'clock on Thursday March 11 1858 after which hour no name will be received The Meeting of the Professors to decide the Scholarships takes place at half-past one on the first Wednesday of the Easter Term The following will be the subjects for Examination SUBJECTS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS 1858 SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Divinity -The First and Second Books of Samuel The Gospel according to St Matthew Mathematict -The Diff and Int Calculus of one variable Conic Sections Practical Mechanics Estimation of Strain Tension Strength Resistance Frame Work Roofs Catenary Bridges Plans to be sent in before Four o'clock to the Secretary
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