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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-121

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APPLIED SCIENCES 121 meat or that of General Literature and Science who have completed three Terms and have not exceeded nine Terms either in this Department or in this Department and in that of General Literature and Science taken together The Scholarship can be held only so long as the Scholar continues Matriculated Student of the College or in case he shall become an Associate Junior £ cf 01arg$ tpe One each year of £20 tenable for Τκο Tears This Scholarship is open First to all Matriculated Students of this Department who have not completed five Terms either in this De- partment or in this Department and that of General Literature and Science taken together And secondly To all Pupils of King's College School or of one of the Schools in union with the College who have been two years in such School and have attained the age of sixteen Such candidates however if successful must immediately matriculate at the College This Scholarship can be held only so long as the Scholar continues to attend lectures as Matriculated Student of the College Any Scholar holding the Junior Scholarship resigns the same in the event of his obtaining the Senior Scholarship The next Examinations both for the Senior and Junior Scholarships will take place on the following days Divinity Saturday March 20 1858 In the case of all Candidates for the Senior Scholarships
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