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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-114

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114 applied sciences Section III regulations respecting students The days fixed for the admission of new Students in the Academical year 1857-8 are Thursday October Wednes- day January 20 and Tuesday April 13 but it is better to pay the fees previously to these days The Students received into this Department are- Matriculated Students or those admitted to the regular and full prescribed course of study Each Candidate for Matriculation must produce testi- monial of good character from his last instructor and when admitted by the Principal he must subscribe his name to declaration that he will conform to all the rules and regulations which may from time to time be prescribed for the good government of the College under the sanction and authority of the Council Matriculated Students are required to attend regularly the College Chapel and the Chaplain's Divinity lectures they must wear the Academical cap and gown within the precincts of the College and are required to attend with perfect regu- larity the lectures of their several years Leave of absence can be obtained from the Principal alone and in cases of sickness or other unavoidable cause of non-attendance at the College written notice is to be sent to the Secretary by the parent guardian or medical attendant Exemption from attendance upon any particular subject of lecture can be obtained only from the Principal An appli- cation must in every case be addressed to him by the Parent or Guardian of the Student upon form to be obtained in the Secretary's office The general age for admission into this Department is sixteen and no one under this age is received except by the special permission of the Principal The full course of study which each Student is recommended to pursue carries him through three Academical years The year consists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term from the beginning of October to the week before Christmas Lent
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