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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-113

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applied sciences 113 of tlieir own Tools for the good condition of which they are responsible XII All Tool-Boxes are to be kept under the Benches as far as the space will permit XIII Students are to keep to their own work and not to walk about the shops so as to be in the way or to hinder other Students when at work XIV No Student can be admitted into the Workshops at any other hours than those mentioned in the Time Table without previous permission of the Dean of the Department as well as that of the Superintendant This sanction will only be given on condition that the Applicant is not thereby neglect- ing other duties in the College No one can however be permitted to occupy the time of or have any assistance from the AVorkmen out of the regular hours of attendance named in the Calendar Any infringement of this Rule will have the effect of causing the Workshops to be entirely closed during the period not specified in tbe Calendar for regular attendance Section II MUSEUMS Museum of King George the Third Curator Cock Esq Her Majesty the Queen having been graciously pleased to confer upon King's College the valuable Collection of Me- chanical Models and Philosophical Instruments formed by His Majesty King George the Third suitable room has been fitted up for its reception Extensive additions have been made to this Museum by the Council and by the donations of private individuals and the Calculating Machine of Mr Babbage has been deposited in it by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests Valuable collections of Minerals of Geological specimens and of Chemical productions both natural and artificial as well as illustrations of the different processes of Manufactures in their various stages are also open to Students during Term See page 146
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