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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-110

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110 applied sciences XII The Art and Scientific Principles of Photography Hour 10 30-12 30 Friday These Lessons are specially intended to give instruction in the Principles and Art of Photography to Students who have completed six Terms in this Department Besides the regular Course other classes are formed con- sisting each of about six gentlemen who meet twice a-week Eight Lessons of one hour and half each are given Fee 31 3s The hours and days of Lecture for these extra Classes are Monday and Thursday at Tuesday and Friday at 11 Wed- nesday and Saturday at but the Lecturer will make arrange- ments for private instruction at more convenient hours On Monday and Thursday from 11 to gentlemen are allowed the use of the Glass House and Developing Room for the purpose of practice and experiments Mr Hardwich is happy to assist gentlemen joining these classes in the choice of Photographic apparatus and specimens by the best makers are kept on view XIII Engineering Workshops For Soars of Attendance see the Time Table The Workshops have been considerably improved by the addition of Planing Machine for Metal Work and by the introduction of Steam Engine These together with the re- arrangement of the various Machines and their adaptation to the application of Steam power have greatly increased the effectiveness of the Workshops and much greater facilities are now afforded for the execution of various works Students of the First Year on joining the Department are made acquainted with the different Tools and their practical application to the purposes of Carpenters' and Joiners' work by going through the processes of Preparing the Wood setting out and forming the various Joints used in Construe- tions of Wood after which they are employed in making Models in which the preceding Joints are combined so as to form Trusses for Roofs Bridges Girders and other Framings required for Buildings and other purposes and proceed from
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