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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-107

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applied sciences 10 Elementary constructions in Solid Geometry involving the Straight Line and Plane First part of Descriptive Geometry Second Year Mondays from till Alternate Wednesdays from till Elementary combinations of the fixed and moving parts of machinery and more complex constructions in Civil En- gineering and Architecture Practice in the application of Light and Shade to mechanical and architectural Drawing Constructions in Solid Geometry involving curved surfaces their intersections and developments Second part of De- scriptive Geometry Third Year Mondays from till Alternate Wednesdays from till Sets of drawings explanatory of complete machines engines works of Civil Engineering and Architecture details represented in Isometrical projection Perspective projection as applied in Architectural Draw- ing and the construction of Maps based on its geometrical principles The higher branches of Descriptive Geometry The order and arrangement of this course is modified according to the previous knowledge of the Student It pre- supposes only knowledge of Euclid and the use of the rule and compass those not possessing even this must commence with more elementary constructions It is intended to be auxiliary to and concurrent with the College courses on Machinery and Manufacturing Art and on the Arts of Construction The examinations of Candidates for Scholarships and for Certificates of Approval and Honour comprise the sub- ject of Descriptive Geometry without competent knowledge of which no Student will be recommended by the Professor Prizes at the termination of each Session are awarded to one Student of each year who has most distinguished himself by proficiency knowledge of principles and by assiduity and regularity in conduct and attendance during the Session
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