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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-105

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applied sciences 105 sewers excavating earthworking and mining erecting and striking scaffolding the formation and construction of Viaducts Bridges Roads Culverts Railways Canals Tun- nels Docks Harbours Water-works General instruction is also given in laying out arranging designing delineating and specifying Works ascertaining the quantities estimating the probable cost and superintending and directing the execution of Works -Any Student may be admitted to this Class in his first year on payment of the usual extra fee and with the express permission of the Dean Manufacturing Art and Machinery First Year Lectures 15-2 15 every Thursday Visit 1-4 every alternate Wednesday Second and Third Years Lectures 15-2 15 every Tuesday Visit 1-4 every alternate Wednesday The Lectures and Instructions in this section are intended to familiarize the student with the Machinery and contrivances in actual use thus adding knowledge of practice to the knowledge of theory taught by the other Professors To effect this object machines are not only described in general terms but their various details with the design of each particular construction are explained and illustrated by draw- ings and models The most important manufacturing processes are also ex- plained and amply illustrated in this Course Access to some of the principal Manufacturing Establish- ments in the metropolis and its vicinity having been liberally granted to the Students of this Department they are ac- customed to visit them from time to time accompanied by the Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery They thus see in operation the manufacturing processes which have formed the subject of their Lectures the mechanical ex- pedients which concur to the production of each are explained and the economy of the whole is pointed out on the spot
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